Thursday, October 13, 2011

Don't know what to call this rant.....

The nerve of some people... If you know me you know that I am a medic in the Army. I see patients every single day... some with some serious problems, but mostly people that are trying to get out of PT or work or trying to build their medical packet up. I have had a patient for the last week or so that I see everyday. He is a great young man with some serious problems.... Problems that have made me stop and think about my life and where I want it to go and to think about what I am thankful for. Unfortunately due to all the people that fake stuff to pat their medical records so they can get disability when they get out, this soldiers care has been delayed. He is probably the most serious patient that I have seen, but he is accused of faking his problems and even gets made fun of for his health issues that he now has because he served his country. WHAT THE FUCK GOES THROUGH PEOPLE'S MINDS? What the hell gives them the right to treat a hero like that? No he didn't die in battle, but he did enough that he is going to have problems for the rest of his life. He will end up getting 100% disablity for the issues he now has. I feel bad for this guy.... you know what he feels? sorry...... for himself you ask.... NO! He is sorry that he comes in and makes me work. He is sorry that his wife has to get up at 2 am and take him to the emergency room. He is sorry that he isn't able to play with his son every time he wants to play. Whats he feel? He feels embaressed that he isn't capable of taking care of him self. He feels that he isn't a good husband or father because he has medical issues. He feels like a burden. I can't imagune what he goes through and I see him everyday, I feel bad for this guy even though he doesn't feel bad for himself. Having him come into my life, and seeing a little bit of his life I laugh.... Not at him or his situation, but at the other people that I see on a day to day basis that think THEY have it so damn hard. This experience, though it isn't over yet, has been a huge eye opener for me and I am greatful for it.

 RANT part 2!   Family
My grandmother recently passed away and my grandfather is declining. I know what is ahead for him, and who can blame him for giving up? He lost the love of his life... she passed away exactly 2 weeks before their 60th anniversary. I don't like to think about it but my grandpa won't be around much longer. It upsets me, but what really pisses me off is that some of his kids don't seem to mind that their mother passed away and their father isn't far behind, all they give a damn about is the money and what possesions they are getting. It's not all of my aunts and uncle... but it shouldn't be any of them! They treat my grandpa like a piece of dog shit on the bottom of their shoe. I'm sorry but family is all you have in this screwed up world and you don't treat them like that! I spent 3 hours tonight talking to my father and my cousin/best friend chris and I warned them that they need to straighten out their brothers sisters / aunts uncles before I come home. I have family and friends that I can not live with out.... then I have some family that I dont give a damn if they are in my life or not. I told both my dad and my cousin chris... this needs to be taken care of before I come home again. I don't care who's feelings I hurt, who's toes I step on, or who I piss off. I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS BEHAVIOR! I love all of my family and would die for them or spend the rest of my life in prison for them if that is whats necissary. I don't let anyone treat my family poorly if I am able to have anything to do with that. So what in the hell makes them think I will let them treat each other like crap? I have met a lot of people over the 24 years I have been on this earth.... but you know who I stay in touch with and who has always been there for me come hell or high water? MY FAMILY! I have so many great memories with family and will make a bunch more before I die. Family is all anyone can rely on so I don't understand how money and possesions are more important to people... Shit like this is exactly why I have grey hair at my young age!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Beginning thoughts

My mother has been trying to get me to do this for some time now, looks like for once I am going to listen to her!

First up... Gun Control
I am a gun owner. I carry a gun every where except when I go to work in the morning. Do I do it legally? No I do not have a permit.... Why do I need a permit? So the government can make money of my second amendment right? I don't think so! I am a law abiding citizen and have never commited a serious crime (although I have thought about killing people before, mostly when I am on leave and trying to drive home and then I hit Chicago traffic... and I think that is completely normal and if you have never drove through Chicago then you have no idea what I am talking about)  I will end this portion of my rant with a quote from one of my idols that I agree with "I always thought gun control meant using both hands when I am aiming."

Next up... Freedom of speech
Another one of my hero's is under some heat from the public. Hank Williams Jr. He is on the hot seat because he made some comments comparing President Obama to Adolf Hitler. Last time I checked that is his first amendment right to say what he likes. I say what I like how like when I like and dont give a damn whether I am politically correct or not. If you don't like what I have to say then don't listen to me. If society has a problem with what I say they are more then welcome to... (in the words of Ted Nugent)... kiss my american ass! Unfortunately in america today you are only aloud to say what you want if you are rich and everyone agrees with it!

Society now a days.....
I like to consider myself old fashioned... I work for what I own. I don't get everything handed to me like other people my age. I want a loving wife, a family, a house and some land. I understand I have to work for these thing and will continue to do so. In todays society you are not right if you dont own top of the line possesions and you don't follow societys trends such as clothing style, music etc. Well bite me cause I guess I am wrong. I don't have to listen to a certian type of music to be right or dress a certian way. Their is nothing wrong with my boots, blue jeans or my camo ball cap. It doesn't make me any less of a man because I don't wear a t shirt that is 35 sizes to big. I wear my pants around my hips not down below my ass... and I'm the one who is wrong? Get the hell out of here..... My music talks about drinking, america, hunting and trucks... So not many people choose to ride with me.... Well I am sorry that I would rather listen to something other then drive bys, robbing banks, living on welfare, drugs and women known as hoes.... not exactly my cup of tea. so if you don't like it society once again you can kiss my ass!

There will be more to come on these topics and others but to be honest with you, I am hungry and I think a Turkey sandwhich and some chips sound better then continuing to type right now....